Self-taught in various techniques, with the occasional drawing and painting course thrown in over the years to help refine her technical skills. Oils have emerged as Lisa's medium of choice. She has been painting, drawing and, of course, coloring, since early childhood.
Art is in my life because I think in images and colors, and need to share my thoughts with others in a medium we both understand (words so often fail!). Color for me is everything -- when looking at something that is black and white, I still see colors and wish I could add it so that others might experience the same radiance. I will paint anything, be it in front of me, in a photograph, or drifting in my daydreams. My work is spontaneous: what I attach to the canvas is a clear reflection of what is already in my head -- changes between plan and final product are rare. As I work, I can feel the flow of the oils in mind even before my brush strikes the canvas. Often my passion to relay the images in my mind onto the canvas is truly overwhelming.